API Reference


The Subscribers API offers access to get and update Subscriber documents synchronously without going through Pushly's standard event based workflows.

This API is currently limited to updating the Subscriber's profile.


See the Authentication section of the Management API for information on how to authenticate against this API.


The base URL for the Subscribers API is: https://api.pushly.com/

Pushly Restricted Keys

The Subscriber profile is a shared key-value map between internal Pushly values and custom client set values. To ensure maximum compatibility the following values are restricted from being used as keys or updated via this API:

  - _extended_fields_
  - app_version
  - app_version_mask
  - bundle_id
  - city
  - continent_code
  - country_code
  - device_os
  - device_os_version
  - device_vendor
  - external_id
  - iam_subscribed_date
  - is_amp
  - keywords
  - language
  - last_seen
  - location
  - navigator
  - navigator_version
  - package_name
  - placement
  - postal_code
  - prompt_id
  - province
  - site_language
  - subscribed_date
  - subscribed_url
  - time_zone
  - unsubscribe_date
  - unsubscribe_reason
  - viafoura_id
  - av
  - avm
  - c
  - cc1
  - cc2
  - do
  - dov
  - dv
  - exi
  - ia
  - iamsd
  - l
  - lg
  - ls
  - n
  - nv
  - p
  - pc
  - pi
  - pr
  - sd
  - slg
  - su
  - tz
  - ud
  - ur
  - vfi