API Reference


The Pushly API is a JSON REST API with base path: https://api.pushly.com.


The Pushly API uses API Keys to allow access to the API.

The Organization API Key is available in the platform to admin users. It can be generated by navigating to the Organization Settings page and then clicking the regenerate button

Click the Regenerate Key button to create a new API Key

Click the Regenerate Key button to create a new API Key


Generating a new API Key will invalidate any existing keys. Be sure to check the "Last Used At" time to determine if regenerating the key will effect existing key usage.

API Key Usage

Once you have generated your API Key it should be included in an X-API-KEY header included with each request to the API:

X-API-KEY: {key}

For example, a request using key ABCD would be constructed as:

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://api.pushly.com/domains/1/' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: ABCD'

API Key Expiration

API Keys have a lifetime expiration but can be revoked/regenerated via the platform organization settings page by an organization admin.